
Suspicious Transactions Nazaruddin Back Found

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i-news, Center for Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis Center (INTRAC) found about 109 suspicious transactions in the accounts of former Democratic Party Treasurer, M. Nazaruddin. The number of suspicious transactions in the accounts of former Democratic Party Treasurer, M Nazaruddin, who was found by INTRAC, an increase from 109 to 144 financial transactions financial transactions. 

"There were 144 transactions, there are 16 banks," said Chairman PPATK, Yunus Husein told reporters who met him after the signing of the MoU on the justice collabolator, in Aryadutta Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday (19/07/2011), noon.
The greatest value of suspicious transactions that, according to him amounting to Rp 187 billion. Transactions through Realtime Gross Seatlement (RTGS), and recorded in 16 banks. But when asked further where the transaction flow, Jonah was reluctant to reveal it. "I should not mention it," he said.
"Suspicious transaction reports there are about more than a 100 or exactly 109 suspicious transactions," said Chairman of the Regulation INTRAC, Fithriadi Muslim polemic discussion during the event at Warung Daun, Jakarta, Saturday (09/07/2011). According Fithriadi, from 109, suspicious transactions entered into several accounts of certain individuals and companies.

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